a room or space directly under the roof of a house or building, which may be used for accommodations or storage.
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I named this blog Views from the Loft because I started posting here three years ago when my Honey and I moved to a gorgeous flat in Prague, Czech Republic. We tucked ourselves into the open, top-floor space full of skylights and marveled at the goodness of the Lord.
The view from the balcony was a feast for our eyes; a panoramic cityscape, red tile roofs, the peak of the tower of St. Vitus Cathedral. The banquet for our ears was like that of a country house; cooing doves, swishing swallows, voices raised heavenward.
For you see, there was an old Hussite church situated in the courtyard, nestled in amongst the towering trees. The music and voices of the practicing choir drifted up over our balcony and blessed our souls. It was as if we were being serenaded by a heavenly throng.
God set us in that precious place as He allowed us to serve Him in a rich cultural context. It was also the place where I came to the end of myself, staring down death with nothing but my bare, folded hands. My Abba Father met me there.
He [the LORD] reached down from on high and took hold of me;
he drew me out of deep waters. 2 Samuel 22:17, Psalm 18:16
My entire world was flooded to the point of drowning. I am only now beginning to sense the lessening of the torrent. My Honey is alive and well and for that I am grateful. My eyes soak themselves in the sights over a different landscape these days. My desire is to secure and expand the divine perspective my Father worked so faithfully to reveal to me during my time in the Prague loft.
He is the great I AM.
He loves ME.
He cares about what's happening in MY LIFE.
He is all-powerful and all-sufficient.
He is all about rescue, eternal rescue . . . beginning HERE and NOW.
Dear LORD, please continue to grant me Your view from the 'loft' no matter where you set my earthly home. And, according to Your will, allow me to share the glimpses with others that your Name might be cherished and hallowed, praised and exalted throughout the seen and the unseen worlds. Amen
Let this be written for a future generation, that a people not yet created may praise the LORD:
The LORD looked down from his sanctuary on high, from heaven he viewed the earth, to hear the groans of the prisoners and release those condemned to death.
So the name of the LORD will be declared in Zion and his praise in Jerusalem when the peoples and the kingdoms assemble to worship the LORD. Psalm 102:18-22