Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Dross Eradicator

I wonder how you're doing.
Have you been memorizing?
Where are you in the process?

I'm struggling with the discipline,
but I'm enjoying the effort to focus.
Actually it's the results I'm enjoying.

As I sing through the verses I'm able to concentrate more fully on the meaning of each phrase. Since I'm singing by myself I can adjust my speed however I like. 

For example, when I'm learning I go really slowly. 
When I feel more confident I sing right along. 
Sometimes I even stop and let the tears flow until I can carry on. 

I mean, it's not all that easy to keep singing when you consider the powerful implications in verse 2.

Today's verse comes from a passage that sustained my heart when my father died. The Holy Spirit brought it to my mind and it's been with me ever since. As a matter of fact, I marked it in my Bible 25 years ago by putting my own name wherever a pronoun appears.
"When you [Sandra] walk through the fire, 
you [Sandra] will not be burned;
the flames will not set you [Sandra] ablaze.
For I am the LORD, your God
the Holy One of Israel, your [Sandra's] Savior;"  Psalm 43:2a-3a

The notes help me apply the Truth more intimately.
You could mark your Bible too.

Verse 4
When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie,
My grace, all-sufficient, shall be thy supply;

Not 'If' but 'When' fiery trials appear. I can expect them.
The path I'm on is the one marked out for ME. 
God's saving favor is ENOUGH to meet every need.
Not 'may be' but 'shall be' my supply. I can count on it.

The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design

Thy dross to consume and thy gold to refine. 

The Father's goal is NOT to incinerate me.
His specific purpose is to prepare me for eternity.
He will destroy my human flaws, and polish my divine imageness. from Genesis 1:27

How marvelous it is to consider these truths. 

They are not only to me or for me. 
They are for every one who's heart is wrapped up in Christ. 
Be encouraged!

Ponder, revel, exalt, rejoice.

John Rippon write 'How Firm a Foundation' in 1787.
If the tune is still helpful, feel free to use this recording.

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