I'll be home in Prague.
The end of our five week visit in the USA will be over and we'll be back in our adopted city.
It was definitely not a Magical Mystery Tour like the one enshrined in song by the Beatles.
It was a time filled with loads of activity, bundles of sharing, and heaps of unknowns. We're not quite on the plane yet and I'm already counting my bruises.
You might ask how that can be since we were welcomed and hosted and pampered wherever we went.
The truth is that I kept bumping into myself wherever we went.
The sad story includes that fact that there was a lot of stuff to do and people to see with only a loose plan for how to get it all accomplished.
There were also countless things that didn't go according to the loose plan and other things that popped up. That meant there were a lot of details that had to be sorted out as we went along. That kind of uncertainty, shall we say, keeps me on my toes.
I could go into all the senseless ways I struggle and the poor coping skills I exhibit . Instead I'll share a short list of some of the lessons I relearned.
1. It's not necessary for me to know every detail of my day to live through it.
2. Sometimes the things I think are necessary to do are really just things I want to do.
3. When I stop and ask God to show me His list and deadlines my days flow more smoothly.
4. The unknowns in my days are well-knowns to the One who's orchestrating my life.
5. Time spent in worry and anxiety is always wasted.
6. When I follow my Honey, the leader God's given, I am already in a better place.
7. Even if I don't know how it will take place, God makes sure I eat and sleep.
8. Usually softer and more gentle accomplishes more than hard and tough.
9. Freedom comes from letting go . . . the more the better.
10. When I look back I always find that God's plan was far better than any I could have set.
If you've got your stuff all together, please share a couple of your lessons with me.
If you wrestle as I do, I am praying this Truth over us.
"To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy - to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen" Jude 24 NIV, 1984