Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Triumphs on Tuesday

The LORD is in charge of every single detail of all of these trying circumstances. He has arranged every single one of them to show forth His glory as He prepares us to share in His glory forever. We KNOW that to be true.

And yet . . . 

                 and yet . . .

the struggle remains.

I already feel as if my Honey and I are groaning along with creation for the return of the Risen King. How long, O LORD? is my cry.

Last night when I arrived at the hospital Curt's body was wracked with a major episode of pain. It caused him to hyperventilate, sweat, and call out for help. The nurses responded quickly and their care brought relief.

In the midst of the battle I held his hand and softly sang hymns to tend his soul. The enemy can attack where he will, but God protects His people, His property, His chosen ones. And so we rested in His hands with praises for His faithful love. 

I admit it felt more like standing upright in the middle of cannon fire than it did overcoming anything. 

Today I know different. It was victory . . . victory in Jesus.

The night doctor came and evaluated Curt with the report that he was doing well, and the reminder that these things take time and include many ups and downs. By the time I left he was resting relatively pain free. I prayed over him for God to grant him a good night, relief from pain and refreshing sleep. 

I admit I walked away wondering if my Honey would be there in the morning. I rode the bus home feeling overwhelmed by the acrid scent of battle. 

Today I know different. It was victory . . . victory in the Savior's Name.

Curt texted me this morning that God granted him a "good night of sleep". I cried tears of joy that not only was my Honey there, but he was praising God for His gift of healing rest. Hallelujah!

I admit I have no idea what the future holds. In many ways it looks kind of dark. I'm trying to meet the various writing deadlines we've got, take care of myself as Curt directs, and lavish the love I have on him. It's a pretty heavy load for an old lady to carry and the ups and downs are already draining my strength. 

Today I want to know more of the difference. I want more of the victory . . . victory in God's endless grace. 

Curt just sent a text to say he walked the hall again, "better but unsteady".

Time for me to head to the hospital.

We thank each of you for your prayers. The love you share through the messages you send are part of what our Sovereign Father is using to move us along the journey He is laying out for us, a journey of victory. Amen

"For I know the plans I have for you," declared the LORD, "plans to  prosper you and no tto harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all  your heart."  Jeremiah 29:11-13


  1. What a testimony, friend. Keep pressing in, pressing in, pressing in. We love you and Doc! Praying for each of you and all those needs you don't even give voice to...

    1. You know how it one stores up some of those needs in secret, do you? ;-) Thank you for reaching in and having the Holy Spirit carry them aloft.

  2. Praising God, from whom all blessings flow. And continuing to pray to our Jehovah-Rapha for healing.

  3. Praying that your faith will be strengthened as Curt's body is strengthened and that you will have many happy years in service to the LORD together! Groaning with you as a sister in the LORD, Joy

    1. Thank you, Joy. (I still smile when I type your name.) God seems to be working exactly as you pray!

  4. oh, Dear Sandra! Send our heartfelt prayers to Curt, we are so happy he is getting better!!! and know that we keep you and your safety/strength also in our prayers! I love you sister! <3

    1. Thank you, Ildiko. It is the prayers of the saints that God is hearing and turning into healing. The enemy can wrack the body but the soul belongs to God. Hallelujah!
