Saturday, October 5, 2013

Yet More on Czech Medical Care

Okay, now we're getting to the serious stuff.

What we thought was going to be a couple of days of tests to figure out what was causing his abdominal distress turned into a major medical emergency. 

After a day of medical tests which drained the already exhausted Honey of mine, he was taken back to his room in Building 22. A couple of hours later he started bleeding badly. 

As they were taking him back to the main building he texted me that they were taking him for more tests. That didn't ring true for me so I decided to head back to the hospital. 

That 20 to 30 minute trip was one of the most harrowing of my life. 

When I finally arrived I got to see Curt and talk with the doctor. We made the final decision, prayed and signed the release. I walked with Curt to the next transfer point and went outside to meet a friend who came to be with me. 

Fast forward four hours to approximately 2am.

A very hurtin' puppy appeared on a gurney in the hallway outside the intensive care unit. He looked up and said, "There's my girl friend." At least I knew they returned the same guy. 

I have to admit that it was hard to leave him that night. I wasn't sure if I'd see him in the morning. And when I didn't hear any bad news I was afraid to see him. The sight of his body in so much pain and misery was not something I wanted to repeat.

The first nervous peek was a treat because he looked much more like himself. Each following visit has been feeding me confidence as I note a bit of improvement. I thank the Lord for the gift of another day.

Prayer points:
Praise for God's attention to detail in caring for Curt.
Protection from any secondary post-surgical issues.
Praise for the friendly, kind, and professional attitudes and care Curt's been receiving.
Gifts of miraculous levels and speed of healing.
Energy for me to meet deadlines as I express my love to my Honey.

We want to thank each of you for your thoughts and prayers aimed heavenward on our behalf.

That's Curt's hand waving at you below all the machines. It's his best side at this point.

We'll do our best to keep you updated as much as time and energy will allow.

May the LORD grant you all the joy and peace you can handle as you make your way through times of rest and seasons of challenges. Amen


  1. Whew. Thank you for such specifics. We're all over it on your behalf. Bathing you and your honey in prayer. Tell him that. :)

    1. God's hand is holding us or we would be drowning. There's still a long way to walk in the shadows and the prayers of His people encourage us onward. Thank you.

  2. God has this. ... He loves you and Curt.... and I don't think He is done with your ministry yet. Thrusting you into the arms of the Mighty Healer Curt. ... and you Sandra into His loving arms that bring His peace.

    1. Funny, Curt has that same sense. There must be more for him to do since God protected his life. Thank you for your prayers. Please keep them rising.

    2. You know how much we love you two! Prayer is the least we can do for you!
      Becky. Wayne. And kids!

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