Monday, November 18, 2013

"What's up, Doc?" Bugs Bunny

I'm feeling torn as I sit down to compose today's post.

Monday's the day I focus on a Scriptural theme. I've got a list of topics in front of me, but for now the need to share what's happening with my Honey's health needs to take the lead.

Come to think of it, maybe those two subjects are not in competition.

Today we head to the VA to meet Curt's new primary care physician. We've got a lot of questions for Dr. Bailey and the answers we receive will likely affect the decisions before us. 

We need to choose a facility to provide Curt's cardiac care.
We need to find a surgeon to evaluate the situation and guide us.
We need to determine the best way to meet the financial obligations.

All of this and more has to happen before my Honey even begins the treatment process.

Though we know God has arranged this set of circumstances, the sheer number of steps takes my breath away. The complex task of figuring out what they are, putting them in the right order, and actually taking them feels like way too much to handle. 

And then there's the issue of time. We enjoy being with our family, but we're already beginning to feel a bit homesick for Prague.

How will it all unfold?

As I ponder the answer to that question the events of the last two months replay themselves in my mind.

Curt was already at the hospital when the arterial bleed occurred. His life was spared.
Curt was already at the hospital when the massive heart attack hit. His life was spared.
Curt had 10 days at home to build up his strength. He travelled to the USA with energy.
Curt had a scary episode that led to a hospitalization. He received care and info we craved.
Curt is making his way along the adjustment process for his abdominal surgery.
Curt met with his cardiologist a month earlier than scheduled due to a cancellation.
Curt has received more positive options about his heart than he ever expected to hear.
I am receiving effective medical attention I've needed for nearly a year.

These facts are ample evidence that God's love and power, grace and mercy are being poured out over us. 

It's almost as if He's driving home the Truth of the promise reported in Hebrews 13:5, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." It's a promise that's repeated numerous times in the Scriptures. I've written about it before and yet it's taking on a new perspective.

God, the Almighty and Sovereign LORD over everything, is not only here beside us always - which provides deep security and confidence. The One and Only True God will always keep us. 

You see KEEP is the antonym or opposite of forsake. When God says He will NEVER leave nor forsake us that means He will ALWAYS be with and keep us. He is actively attending and intervening into the lives of those who are His, the ones He has chosen for Himself. 

Hallelujah!!  God isn't just providing us with warm and loving company along this challenging path. The great I AM is coordinating every detail to meet our needs and foster our growth according to His divine will. 

And that's as true for YOU as it is for US as we recognize and trust in the saving work of His Son Jesus the Christ. Amen

What more do we need to know about what's ahead?

Stay tuned for more news on Thursday. Be assured that, by God's perfect plan, the unfolding will be influenced by your prayers. We thank you for them.

"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective."  James 5:16  NIV1984


  1. I know you and Curt are facing a lot of unknowns, and it can be very uncomfortable and overwhelming. I understand, having been on that road. But! Our God is an on-time God - never early, never late. Each step of the way, while there are many, are already known to the One who knows the ending of this story. May His peace wrap itself around and through each of you. P.S., Did you receive the novel from Lori Benton??

  2. Thank you for this meaningful encouragement from a fellow traveler in The Unknown.
    Yes, received and read with the intention to write a note about it.
